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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Girlie Thursdays

As is often the case with two-year-olds, we've had a bit of an issue with Julia picking her nose. We've obviously been attempting to discourage this behavior. Recently Julia came up with a mantra about this (on her own) that really encapsulates how I feel about the situation:

"No eat boogers. Eat breakfast!"

That, my friends, is some sage advice. You're welcome.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday Will-isms: Jackson Bo

Who is this, you ask? Why, this is Jackson Bo! Jackson Bo is Will's alter rockstar ego. Anytime he "plays rockstar" his name is Jackson Bo. And no, we don't know where that came from. In order to further his career as Jackson Bo, he's requested a stand-up microphone for Christmas, so he can sing AND play the guitar. He also wants either me or Zach to get a guitar for Christmas, so we can "rock out".

Luckily, Jackson Bo already has something that every rockstar needs: a groupie.