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Friday, December 12, 2008

She Can Move Mountains

Or, at least roll over! This morning, Julia rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time...and then she did it three more times! I tried to put her down for some "tummy time," which she doesn't like too much, and..poof...she was having none of it...she rolled right onto her back. I guess necessity is the mother of invention.

In other Julia news, we went to the doctor for her three month check-up on Wednesday, and Dr. Levin thought she looked great. I'm still worried, of course, because she's only gained half a pound in the past month, up to 11 pounds, 7 ounces. For perspective, Will (aka Enormo-baby) was almost 16 pounds at the same age! But she seems healthy, she's very happy, she sleeps great, so I suppose I shouldn't worry. I just hope that I'm giving her enough food, since she's almost exclusively breast-fed.

And now for some Will was Pajama Day at Will's school. Will ALWAYS wants to wear his pajamas to school, and we always tell him that he has to wear clothes. Well, today, of course, we couldn't convince him that it was okay to wear his "jammies." With toddlers, it's either always or never, and in his world, you never wear jammies to school. Like so many things, Pajama Day seems like a great idea and like something Will would love, but in reality, it backfires because he doesn't fully understand it. Eventually, we convinced him to wear some pajama pants and a turtleneck, and he agreed to wear the pajama shirt over the turtleneck. By the time he came home, he loved that he got to wear his pajamas. Now, I'm sure we'll have a hard time convincing him that that event was something special, not something we do every day. Oh well...hooray for Pajama Day!

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