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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Crazy Life

For the past month, our lives have been in the height of crazy. Now, don't get me wrong, many of the reasons life is crazy is due to very positive things. In fact, the biggest point of crazy is the fact that we are moving! In June, we found a house that we really loved--it had everything we were looking for in a house--so we decided to put our house on the market and see what would happen. I admit, I wasn't optimistic, but only a few weeks after we put our house on the market, we got a non-contingent, cash offer that was (reasonably) close to our asking price. So, we began all of the processes of moving: loans, inspections, closing dates, and lots and lots of paperwork. Since the end of July, we've been working on packing up the house, and on August 14th, we closed on both houses. But, because nothing is ever simple, we had to get out of our current house immediately and couldn't get into our new house until the beginning of September. So, we put everything in storage (move number one) and all moved in with my sweet parents for two and a half weeks. Move number two is on September 3rd, and we will finally get into our new house! Luckily, it doesn't need ANY work, so we can move right in.

Now, moving with two small kids is wild enough, but there's also been more fun in our life. In July, Will had the flu and was home from school for several days. Zach's parents came in town for a weekend. Zach had to travel for work a couple of times. And as a nice bookend, Will got sick AGAIN this past week. And of course, it's time for both kids' birthdays, which means it's also time for both of them to go to the doctor for their checkups. Will also had to go to the dentist.

So, there's just been a lot going on in the Mather household. Luckily, nothing bad (except for Will's illnesses), but even fun things can be stressful and overwhelming. I'm very ready for things to calm down a little bit, but I'm fully aware that the fun has just begun in terms of moving. Hopefully, we'll be settled can't get here fast enough.

Updated: The most recent time that Will was sick, I finally took him to the doctor on a "hunch". Turns out he had PNEUMONIA! I was shocked...they did a chest X-ray and everything. Oh, and he also had an ear infection, even though he had never mentioned that his ear hurt. We were definitely glad that we made the trip to the doctor, and Will seems to be on the mend. But really--I hope we can all stay well for a bit!

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