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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Six Months!

Julia turned six months old on Sunday (and yes, I know I'm late on this post, but I'm pretty proud that it's only two days late). One-half of her first year of life is now has flown by. It seems that the more she develops and the more interactive she becomes, the faster the time goes. Which, I guess makes sense. She is a lot more fun now than she was in the pet rock stage of the first few weeks.

Anyway! Month six was a busy one. It was also the one in which Julia decided that she forgot how to sleep. (Actually, that might have happened in month five, but I'm too sleep-deprived to really keep track of these things.) So, for some reason, she is waking up every night, usually for about an hour an a half, and mostly just to play and interact. She's not typically upset, just AWAKE! I think the real problem is the cough/congestion that she's had for several months (she was diagnosed with bronchiolitis and put on a nebulizer this month, too...the excitement never ends). The cough wakes her up, or vice versa, she wakes up and starts coughing, and then she can't settle down and get herself back to sleep. It also means that we can't really do any sleep training because I don't want to leave her in her room alone while she's hacking up a lung. So, for now...we're just awake. I've tried feeding her, not feeding her, swaddling her, not swaddling her, giving her a toy in her crib, giving her her pacifier, etc. etc. We're going to the doctor on Thursday, so I'll see if he has any suggestions. I sure would like to get this resolved sooner rather than later.

In other news from this month, Julia rolled from her back to her tummy, and although she thinks that is a great skill, she doesn't like her tummy once she gets there. She's also getting much better at sitting up, even improving in the last week. She's started a few baby foods--oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and applesauce so far--and she does reasonably well. She gets pretty distracted while she's eating, so it takes FOREVER to get her to take just a little bit of food. I'm sure she'll get better as we go along. She is also gnawing on everything, including her hands and feet, which I find adorable...maybe a tooth is coming soon (although Will didn't get his first until eight months).

In general, she's a sweet, happy baby, as you can see from the picture. She is learning and growing everyday--I can't wait to see how big she is when we go to the doctor. I just hope we can all start getting some more sleep sometime soon! Hopefully I won't be talking about the same things in month seven.

1 comment:

Liz Rich said...

YAY! Happy 6 Mos. Julia! I am so happy to know about your blog, Kate! I will gladly give you some slideshow tips! I hope all is well!