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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So, What Have We Been Doing?

I've been on an (unintentional) bloggy hiatus. I've been meaning to post, but life and work and kids have gotten in the way. So, what have we been up to?

Oh, a little of this:

And a little of that:

Plus lots of other things that I will post about soon! Will has recently loved playing in the car and getting in the drivers' seat. He thinks it's lots of fun. I agree, until I get in the car and the steering wheel is sticky, the windshield wipers are on, and the radio stations are changed. Oh well. I guess it's worth it to keep him happy and occupied for a little while!

In the second picture, we decided to make the best of a rainy weekend afternoon. It was one of those days where everything had been a frustration, and I really needed to remember what it's like to have fun with the kids. So I offered Will the opportunity to put on his rain boots and go splash in puddles. He thought he needed his firefighter hat to complete the look. But, needless to say, he had a great time, and it made me smile. Overall, I've been trying to appreciate little moments like these that make up our daily life.

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