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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Conversations With Will

I missed Wednesday Will-isms this week, and thank goodness I did, because the conversations we had on Friday turned out to be some of Will's finest:

Yesterday morning Will climbed in bed with me to snuggle and watch TV. At some point, he noted, "Mama, sometimes when I sit down, my pull-up (he still wears one to bed) or my jammies get caught up in my bottom and I have to pull them out."

Me: "Yes, Will, that's called a wedgie."

Around here, we like to start our mornings with a new vocabulary word. That's my parenting tip of the week. You can thank me later.

Friday afternoon, coming home from school:
W: "Today Ms. Lizzie came on the playground with us."
Me: "Oh, that's nice, do you like Ms. Lizzie?"
W: "Yes. She's brown like Ms. Katherine."
Me: (trying to figure out what to say here) "Well, yes, um...people come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, don't they?"
W: "Yes. Like how Hayden's head is funny-looking."
Me: (trying not to laugh at this point) "Will! It's not nice to call people funny-looking."
W: "Oh, Mama. It's okay, I wasn't talking to anyone, I was just talking to myself."
Me: "Well, I heard you say he was funny-looking."
W: "Yes, but Mama, I was just talking to myself."

I love how matter-of-fact he is about things and the innocence that children have. Will has no idea that it might be offensive to call someone "brown"; he just notes that information like he would note if someone had blonde hair. I hope that as he grows up, he'll continue to not care what color people are. Of course, I also hope that he'll learn not to call people funny-looking...we'll keep working on that one.

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