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Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Don't Want to Forget

I did a few of these posts when Will was much younger, but I haven't done one in a long time. So, here are a few things I don't want to forget about this phase:
  • How the first thing that Julia asks for in the morning and the last thing that she asks about at night is "Wuh-wuh?" (Will)
  • The way Will thinks that "looking at his toes" is a fun activity. He will seriously spend 15 minutes or more just studying--and cleaning--his toes. Gross, but funny.
  • The little shrug that Julia gives to say "I don't know".
  • The way Julia toddles to the laundry basket --either naked or just in her diaper--each night before her bath, opens up the basket, drops in her dirty clothes, closes the basket, and looks completely satisfied with herself. It's adorable.
  • How Will knows to say 'thank-you' for abstract things and will do so out of the blue. "Thank you, Mama, for signing me up to go to computer class." "Thank you for making me this supper." "Thank you for finding my glove."
  • How, even though Will's pronounciation is mostly excellent, he still says "calapitter" for "caterpillar."
  • The way Julia likes me best right now. This is not an opinion--it is fact. And, I'll admit that it is sometimes annoying when she wants me to hold her when I'm trying to get ready, eat, do laundry, etc. But, I felt I should document her love for me so I can be reminded of it during the teenage years.
  • The way Will often exclaims, "Down goes Frazier!" when Julia falls down. (If you don't know this reference, you'll have to Google it. Will first learned it when my dad said it when a waterskier they were watching fell at the lake.)
  • How Julia loves any kind of shoes and socks and enjoys taking them on and off. She really loves wearing Will's tennis shoes around the house, but she also puts on mine and Zach's and attempts to walk in those. And, as soon as she wakes up in the morning, she wants to put on her socks and shoes. I should really let her sleep in them, but that ends up causing more problems when she decides to take them off and throw them (and then cry that she doesn't have them anymore).
  • The fact that Will calls everything bagels "all bagels."
  • The way Julia has an opinion about everything--from what she will eat to what books she will read--and, despite a limited vocabulary, manages to make that opinion known. It's frustrating at times, but I love that she knows what she wants. (Luckily, she isn't fighting me on what to least not yet.)
  • The love that Will and Julia have for each other. Never mind the hitting, the screaming, the fighting--at the end of the day, they love each other and are (mostly) sweet. The teachers at school say that they both light up if they get to see each other during the day. Melts my heart...and I don't want to forget.

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