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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girlie Thursdays: Phrase-ology

Julia has started talking so much more in the last few weeks, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy this stage. I love to watch her figuring things out, putting concepts together, and really starting to communicate--in her own ways. I love how her speech at this point is a mixed bag of words I understand and "words" that are just babble...but it all makes perfect sense to her.

Recently Julia has been making more phrases, and it's so funny what she's picked up on. When she sees me get out of the shower or notices that my hair is wet (or when we run through the rain), she always notes "All wet, Mama! All wet!" Zach has been traveling a good bit lately, so now anytime I ask Julia where Daddy is, she replies with "Dada trip" (except she misses her 'r' so it comes out as 'tip'). She loves to tell anyone, anywhere 'no'--she's always looking for someone to boss around. Will is a favorite target; I often hear her saying "No-NO Wah-wah!" She's also figured out that the boy across the street is younger than her (by a mere six months), and is on him like white on rice anytime we see him: "No, no, no, Whit!"

She's also beginning to figure out the possessive and loves to point out what belongs to whom: "Wah-wah cup," "Ju-ju milk," or "Mama shoe." Of course, like any toddler, she frequently just resorts to "MY snack!" or a screeched "MIIIIIIIIIIINE!" She has learned to be somewhat polite, though, and if I ask the kids to share, she'll tell Will, "My turn!" or "Ju-ju's turn!" Of course, if he doesn't respond quickly enough, she just tries to snatch whatever it is she was waiting on.

One of my favorite phrases that I hear A LOT from Julia is "Mama, POP!" Which means, 'stop'. If I attempt to dance or sing, she quickly chimes in with that refrain, "Mama, POP! Pop, Mama!" I love it that she's not even two, and already, I'm embarrassing her! I imagine this will continue for many more years.

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